21 May 2014

Luke --> Light

Hey yall,

This Saturday we are super excited to have our first annual Race2Rescue for the Mattaw Children.  If you haven't signed up yet, there's still space and shirts left.  CLICK HERE to sign up.  If you can't actually attend, you can still run where you are and donate towards the event.  All proceeds go to our children.  And why walk and/or run for these children?  Here's one story to motivate you.  Our hope is to prevent cases like this.

Just a few days ago we were made aware of a new baby needing a home.  We prayed knowing it was likely that Mattaw Sprouts baby home would gain a new little one.  Within 24 hours the sweet baby went from here into the Father's arms in heaven.  The injustice just shakes us but we are not moved knowing that the justice from God is what remains.  I share this story to bring some light to the realities we face where we live.

Rebecca, our full time volunteer was there with another missionary from another baby home that had also fought for the babies life.  Here's the short story from the missionary that Rebecca was at the hospital with:  This precious newborn was found abandoned in a plastic bag with open sores all over his body. He was found in a field still attached to his placenta. He was very dehydrated and weak and needed a lot of care so we went to the hospital to give him some care and love but unfortunately overnight he passed away. He had no name so we decided to call him Luke meaning "light". Perhaps his short life might motivate others by shining a light on this harsh reality here.

And here's from the heart of Rebecca:
I have such a heavy heart today and my heart is so angry at the injustice in this world. We, Mattaw Sprouts, anticipated taking this little angel home, but instead he went to his heavenly home. I have been through such a range of emotions that I can't even begin to explain, but all of us involved wanted this sweet boy's short life to mean something. When you witness something so unjust play out before your eyes it does something to you. We have all gone through a list of "What if's" wondering if we could have done something differently for sweet Luke. However, as I poured my heart out at Jesus' feet he sweetly spoke to me and said "I didn't put you there to save him, I put you there to love him." We did all we could to care for this sweet boy and trust that he is healed and whole in his Father's arms. So incredibly grateful that God chose for Jedidah and I to go through this together, because it just soothes my heart when someone else just gets "it" when I can't even put "it" into words. You are such a blessing Jedidah and baby Luke knew love on this earth because you helped fight for him and love him!

Vindicate the weak and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and destitute.  Psalms 82:3

Thankful for those that the Father sent to let Luke know he's loved and not alone before he went to be with Jesus.  


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