08 April 2013

Pauper to Prince

Hey y'all,

Its that time again where we are doing a big order for school books at Mattaw and need your help!  If you are new to following us, just a quick bit of info in regards to school.  At Mattaw we desire excellence in everything we do.  Education is very important to us and our children are so grateful for it.  They understand the importance of it and what a privilege education is.  Many of our children have never been to school before coming to Mattaw.  It is always so incredible to see how much they love school when given the opportunity for the first time.  Quite the different mindset for many in America huh?  Because of the various backgrounds our children come from, we chose a curriculum that is great for our set up.  We use a homeschool type curriculum where each child learns at their own pace.  This also means it is pretty expensive compared to the public school books, but we believe God led us to this curriculum and so He will provide.  Our parents and teachers love the curriculum as well which makes the atmosphere prime for motivated students.

At Mattaw we refer to our site as a children's village.  NOT an orphanage.  Our vision is different from some.  We bring in orphans but once they enter the gates, we take the labels off and they are no longer referred to as orphans.

You know, that whole mentality of going from a pauper to a prince.

So in every area we treat them with the best possible care possible.  This is why when it comes to school, we do not want to be average but provide the best schooling we can.  We are working towards being an academy and eventually opening our school to the public.  If you'd like to help us reach this goal and provide our current school needs, please contact us!  kimberly@mattawchildren.com  Or go to the donate tab above and you can donate through paypal, just specify it's for school needs.

Thank y'all for continuing to help us fulfill the vision God has placed in our hearts.  Orphans no longer, children of the King.


Dalene said...

I love that. The transformation of coming through the gates, pauper to prince, orphan to child loved. PTL!

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