04 April 2013

Hope is Real.

Ok, so I really didn't finish updating on closing that chapter of our lives where we were in a hospital a lot.  It was like another culture.  For reals.  Cook Children's hospital is wonderful, but I don't want to live there!  And it felt like I moved in.  Not fun.  Just thankful its over and Ezra is healed.  We were playing the game with the Dr everyday of when we would get to go home.  We almost went home one day and his weight kept dropping.  I knew he was fine but we had to wait.  And wait.  And wait....

What was so wonderful though is we got out in time for Easter weekend.  What a sweet reunion again with our family.  And mine and Bud's parents both live where we are currently staying so we all were together for lunch on Easter.  Super sweet.

Now, about Kenya!  We leave less than three weeks!  Praise the Lord.  We are so looking forward to being back.  But this might be the most difficult time to leave yet.  We have grown with our church family here and will so miss them.  Like really, can't they just move on over with us! :)  One day we'll all be in heaven and no more tears or goodbyes.  And our family, how I wish my kids could live all the time in the same town as their grandparents.  Its been so great to have this time with them.  But we stick our hand to the plow and don't look back.  There's a great harvest on the horizon.  Children needing homes, prostitutes needing hope, widows needing an income, families hungry, and souls needing to come into the family of God.

The question we heard often with all the medical stuff with Ezra is "when are you going back to Kenya?" or even worse "Are you going back?".  Well of course we're going back.  We are about the Father's will and have one mission on our mind.  To follow Him and go where he says go.  There were definitely some moments of "what if's" in regards to my children and their health.  But when your heart is aligned with Papa God's, those questions leave.  We must keep our hope in Jesus.  He is so trustworthy.  I've been doing a lot of sitting and heart work for the past six months, so I'm anticipating what is on the horizon.  Sometimes you have to have times in your life where you lay low and sit quietly.  Not always fun but oh so needed.  Just a few things we are looking forward to when we return is opening house five and six!  This will complete our first phase of houses at Mattaw Children's Village.  We will also have a summer full of teams again.  And the Mattaw Safari business we started a few years ago is taking off.  This is to help fund projects within Mattaw Ministries without solely relying on donors.  We are incredibly grateful for the open doors God has made this year in this area!  There's always enough in the Kingdom of Heaven.  Strategies, business plans, spreadsheets... its all good... but our ultimate trust is in our Father.  He is faithful to provide for EVERY need.  I'm very humbled to see how He does it.  Even in times I question, I have to repent and trust completely, because He continually comes through over and over.  

Speaking of coming through.  Sometimes we are given ways to funnel that provision.  Just wanted to mention again about Anna selling tshirts and bracelets online.  You only have five more days to get yours!  I love that she chose the front to say "hope is real".      

Keela is also coming back this summer with her soon to be hubby!  Awwww.  Yay for newly weds.  And Christy will be coming back too of course.  More on their journey back to be part of the Mattaw fam.  Would love to share more on what God is doing with the widows ministry.  Couldn't do it all without those that have responded to the call to walk with us.


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