Well, what a whirlwind it has been. Our sweet baby girl Claire is having to stay in the hospital for RSV. She went in Thursday and probably will not come home for at least a few more nights. Bud has had to take off work (he has a full time job with the rodeo association while we're stateside, thank you God for the provision) to stay with her while I'm home with our newest baby boy. And he's already three weeks old! The time has flown by. That is until the last couple of days. It's been a few very long days, especially for Bud and Claire. I can't even begin to explain what an amazing dad my husband is. Like, whoa. I'm so thankful for him. I've been home with a cranky newborn, thankfully he's so darn cute and cuddly. See for yourself...
I just love how squishy newborns are and how velvety his skin is.
We are in complete agreement with the word of God that He is our healer and provider. In every situation. Jesus defeated the grave so that we would be free from sickness. It's true. Matthew 8:16/17.... and he healed all who were sick, 17 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying “He Himself took our infirmities. And bore our sicknesses.”
I'm ready to have all three of my children back together, healthy and happy! Especially with this awesome warmer weather, we should be out at the park not trapped in a hospital bed and in a house. It just aint right! Thankful big brother Caleb is around to take Elisha out to play. Tonight he is going with Caleb and his Poppa to see a monster truck show. I will be hearing all about it for weeks to come.
And look how gorgeous these pics are of my babies! Kensie did an absolute amazing job. kensieleephotography.com
You'd never know what a crazy mood Elisha was in had it not been for these photos...
He actually LICKED the couch. Yeah, licked it. What goes on in the mind of a 5 year old boy, I'll never know! Not only that, he proceeded to lick his sisters cheek. She was not impressed...
Oh Elisha.
Today we (Elisha, Ezra and I) figured out we could Skype with Bud and Claire. So thankful for technology. I was able to slip up there yesterday to visit but RSV is so contagious, we are having to be careful not to spread it to Ezra. It'd be like a cold if adults get it but its incredibly bad for small children, especially babies. To visit Claire you have to put on gloves, mask and an apron thing. She's been in a pretty great mood most of the time and has her nurses laughing. While skyping today, she put on a show for us by singing a song she made up into her new Dora microphone. Elisha wanted to keep telling her funny jokes he made up and finally she said "elisha, that's enough". Ha. She's such a little mommy. Which she also has received a few new baby dolls, that's been a highlight of her day! The nurses brought her blankets, bottles and toys for her new babies.
Yesterday when a friend was visiting, Claire was asking for a donut with pink icing and sprinkles. We aren't sure where she got the idea to want that. But if you saw her hooked up to wires and tubes, you'd find her one too. So our friend went to several places in town and found the girl a pink donut with sprinkles. She was super excited today to have her donut and told me all about it on Skype. I'll leave out the part in the story she told me where she started crying and said daddy ate some of it. (she was done with the donut though and just being drama mama)
As sad as it is to watch her go through this, there is so much to be grateful for. We have access to wonderful medical care. We know how grateful to be for that, coming from a place where its hard to get. We also have friends and family in town that have been super prayerful and helpful during this time. Id be curled up in a corner crying without them! Well, maybe i have done that a time or two, but i'd be crying all the time had we not had help from all around.
Mr tooty pants, aka Ezra, is paging me now... gotta go....
Oh and let me give a shout out again for Kensie Lee Photography! If you need a photographer, call her up! kensieleephotography.com
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