18 June 2011

Team 1, Team 2 and now Team 3!

Our Servant Life Kentucky Team arrived yesterday afternoon. Just in time to go grab lunch at a Kenyan restaurant in town called Boulevard. We all had chicken and chips (french fries) then went out to Mattaw Children's Village to introduce the team to the children and staff.

Whoops, we're not part of the Kentucky team... lovin my girls

They jumped right in and connected with our children instantly. People ask if our children have a hard time with people coming in and out all summer. No way! They are awesome. I think since they know who their mom and dad (house parents) is and that we (Bud and I) are a constant in their life, people coming and going is not hard on their emotions. I think it's healthy. Rather than going on a lot of vacations... vacations come to the children! It's a big party all summer. This week this team is focused on doing a kids camp for our children and some from around the village. A lot of fun in store. The way I see it is a lot of our children have missed out on a part of their life being loved and cared for so we're catching up now and have the help from people across the world. And let me tell you, our teams come packed with lots of love! SO thankful for all that come through here.


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