15 March 2010

Party for Claire

Yesterday was 88 degrees at one point! Today is a bit cool but I'm sure glad we had a day like yesterday. It just means the nice warm weather is about to be here to stay. Our family loves the outdoors and warm weather. We keep trying to avoid being in the states during the winter but it just keeps happening. I think we'll be successful next year.

Saturday was an absolute perfect day. Especially to have a BBQ outside! My sister in law and brother hosted a meet the baby shower for Claire and had a BBQ. Can I just say what an amazing sis in law I've got?! She has four boys, is 7 months pregnant, and threw together this party in a little over a week. Pure talent. And it was an adorable party! I'll let the pictures speak for themselves....

Welcome Claire Elizabeth! Not only did it look good, it tasted great.

When I arrived her Aunt Kim had her all dressed for the party. The tutu and hat were from her Aunt. They matched the party deco.

The delicious food! Brisket, green beans, potatoes, fresh fruit, and delicious german noodles (hand made by a family member of Kim's).

I didn't get a picture of all the tables, and I didn't get any pictures after people showed up. I've got to get in the picture takin mode again.

Me and my sweet P

Elisha. I also didn't get a pic of him and his cousin Pierce.

My favorites

Had a great chat with a good friend a few days ago. Lauren encouraged and ministered to me with what I needed for this time. One of the things she pointed out (yet again) is not to let guilt keep us from enjoying our remaining time in the states. Guilt only comes from the enemy. I can remember the first time I came back for a visit from Kenya and how miserable I was to be around! All I could think about was Kenya, wanting to be there, and not being able to enjoy time here. My friends were well annoyed with me I'm sure! Thanks for grace my sweet friends. The more visits we make though, the more the Lord teaches us to enjoy wherever we are. Just because I might enjoy time here doesn't mean I have less of compassion or a calling to Kenya. How silly to think otherwise. Now that I type it, it does seem a bit silly. But a reality non the less. Live life with purpose, full of joy, and contentment... wherever you are, whatever you are doing.... (learning this all over again.... and again... and again... I'm pretty sure I've written about this a few times since being back!)

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