Two days in a row of blogging! I'm on a roll!
The past two weeks have been so crazy! But in the best messy, but good way possible. And by messy I mean I have not seen this much poo, pee and spit up flying around this house ever. Two infants, two babies, a toddler, a preschooler and a five year old will do that. And just when I thought the five year old wasn't going to join in on the pee, poop and spit up... Well last week he puked out the car door from car sickness and last night he slept walk to go to the bathroom and I just happened to walk by and see him peeing standing up asleep and it going EVERYWHERE. I know, TMI. (Too MUCH Information!). AND we have all our safari vehicles out on a month long job, praise the Lord. But in the meantime, the only car we have around here, well, the transmission just blew! Haha. Sometimes you just have to laugh in the midst of things trying to mess up your day. Ain't nobody got time for dat.
But we have more times of laughter than anything else. These kids crack us up and seeing the four new babes making leaps in being restored is such a blessing. And all our summer volunteers and teams have left but I'm thanking God for sending us Anna!
I'm also thanking The Lord for Mattaw house moms taking turns to come help with the babies. Also for Violet who has helped watch my kids during the week since Elisha was a baby. A few others have helped too. We have an awesome Kenyan family surrounding us. Papa God is good and provides in ways lately that leave me totally astonished. A HUGE thank you to all of those that responded to helping cover the hospital bills of all the kids. Incredible the response to care for babies literally thrown out to die.
Currently we are remodeling the two room guesthouse on our compound that connected to a garage. It's being repainted and ceiling redone as I type this. Curtains are ordered and baby beds will be ordered next. If you'd like to help us furnish this for the babies, we will be letting you know of some specifics soon! We have good friends of ours on the way in a week to bring us suitcases of baby goods that people bought and sent to them from the amazon baby wish list that was made for our new babes. Thank you!!!! And all those that gave! We have another church that brought a team this last summer who is doing a two week baby drive and sending us items that can't be found here or are super expensive here. It's been amazing to watch the response to a sudden need around here. So here's a quick update on the four newest.
Moses has been home from the hospital since Friday. He's eating great on a bottle. Way more alert now and let out a very small baby noise that i barely got the photo in time.
Maria is oh so sweet and still gaining a little everyday. She's pretty easy other than last night she was a little more fussy than usual. Today she's back to herself though. Just snuggles, eats, poops and sleeps.
Cindy Lulu is doing well although progress is slower than the others. We do believe God is healing her frail body back to normal though. Shes got muscle on her thighs now. Some have said she looks like she has cerebral palsey but several medical advise that we have sought out tell us it's way too early to diagnose due to the severe malnourishment. She had a rough day yesterday and cried A LOT. She doesn't sleep through the night yet but has had more better nights than not lately. Today she's had two good naps and all smiles.
Ryan is our most hilarious kid. He has quite the personality. Although we caught him stealing Ezra's teething biscuit from him yesterday. He's learning the rules though. He loves a hat of Ezra's I gave him and cracks us up when he wears it and walks around with his old man walk and big belly. He LOVES Cindy Lu and will sit next to the bouncy seat and bounce her saying her name when she's upset. Cutest thing ever. He's walkin better now but his legs turn out so we will be going to get medical advice on that soon. He's bounced back to health quick though! Praise Jesus!
Oh and the three whities? They're awesome. We have to make intentional time for them in the midst of this transition but overall they just loooove the babies.
And Ezra has six teeth coming in! Overall he's happy but sometimes has a little freak out party over it!
And another mess? That would be Claire who cut her own hair last night and found a bottle of baby powder and decorated every toilet seat in the house with it. She's a challenge at times but the sweetest little mommy to the babes.
Learning the art of delegating once again as it can seem at times we have mor than we ca handle but the beautiful thing is that's when Gods grace and strength shows up in BIG ways.
Well nap time is up and needing to go do some interviewing and hiring for the Aunties that will start caring for the babes in our guesthouse. More later...
You make it sound like no big deal.... But what a love story you are writing. Bet it will come back to you pressed down, and running over.
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