Please be sure to follow Mattaw over on the website! We are doing 60 days of Mattaw where we share from the beginning to the current happenings so I'm not doing much on here at the moment :).
Our family is doing good. Not too much excitement around here beside the normal family stuff. Like Elisha is loosing his first tooth and Ezra is trying to get one in. Those kind of things :). We spend a lot of time out at Mattaw, Claire and Elisha love playing and running out there. School is good. Elisha has almost gotten his ABC's down and starting to recognize letters to put together to read. Claire is a princess times two and keeps me on my toes. I'm glad to just have one girl at the moment! Or at least just one three year old. Oh my. She loves to pick out her own clothes to wear and being here, I just let her go with whatever. Well, as long as its modest, but matching, not so much. She has ring worm on her head and half the time I dont get it fixed before we are out the door. So aren't we just the perfect little family?! Ha. Far from it. But we are happy and looking for the good in our days to enjoy. Like chicks. We got new chicks out at Mattaw and Claire loves them. Just thankful she didn't literally squeeze this one to death.
As for Ezra, he has become quite the butter ball! Rolls of chub all over. I've been introducing new foods that he has enjoyed. He gets very excited to go in the bumbo chair, knowing food is on the way. Our most common food lately is butternut squash.
"Yay for butternut squash!"
"My precious butternut"
"Must. Have. Butternut. Squash."
It's one of the easiest baby foods to make! Slice in half, bake in the oven, scrape out and smash and dip into ice trays and freeze. Then just pop one out at a time when needed and its the perfect serving size for this little man. We also do avocado, banana, oatmeal, rice and pears. The pears were an awesome discovery. Just peel them, slice them up, bake them too, and blend in the blender. Baking them brings out some awesome flavor to add to oatmeal.
I think Ezra of any of my babies looks the most like his daddy. Handsome little guy he is :).
And there's a good ol post that I'm sure the grandparents will enjoy the most :).
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