14 July 2012


Beautiful Denmark. Our trip there was more than I can put into words. My heart overflows with so much gratitude to the Lord for all He let me see and be a part of. His Kingdom came and will was done, on earth as in heaven. Many were saved, healed, and delivered. When I'm not cross eyed looking at my phone (from lack of sleep traveling), I'll have to attempt to share more testimony of what our King Jesus did there. I had no clue I could love another nation and people as much as I do. The picture is of our team out in Sweden for the day. I could just cry lookin at this picture and how beautiful the team is I was able to be a part of. Wow. I love our garden family.

We now have a few teams that arrived at Mattaw today. Will update more on them later. Tuesday we are beyond excited to have some of the Garden family (from our Texas home) come stay in our home and be at Mattaw. Jesus makes all things new and redeems the times :). Rockin out in Jesus! Love y'all!


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