Here's a little update on the school. The children and teachers are transitioning to the new curriculum so well. I constantly hear the teachers saying how they really like it and are appreciative of it. The children seem to really enjoy it too. As if they weren't already motivated to excel in school, this new curriculum has really helped them exceed what they were doing before.
This picture below is our two strips of classrooms. We are needing to build one more strip to be able to have enough classrooms once we are at max capacity, having all six houses open. If you'd like more info on helping out with this, please contact us:
We had a new visitor arrive this past week. We are thankful for Courtney coming out this summer to encourage and help our teachers. She is a fifth grade teacher stateside and in the short time I've been around her, I've picked up on how she has such a heart for teaching, children and Africa. And my son already loves her. He picked up real quick on her being a teacher and her liking to play with him. Lets just say we are big fans of Courtney!
Elisha is still going out to Mattaw for school. He loves it and still asks to go. Its precious to see him make buddies out there. Usually he tells us that Franco is his best friend but the other day he told Bud that Dominic is. Bud asked why and he said because Dominic will pass him the soccer ball and let him score. Oh children. He's four and has some life lessons in store!
It's usually not common he will tell me too much about his day at school. Last night though as I was helping him get off the potty, he randomly drew me an X in the air and said it was the letter X, which comes after W. I was impressed. With his randomness and his letters he is learning.
Here's sweet Faith in the pink. She is 5 and had not been to school yet. I posted her picture last week. We're glad to have rescued her early enough to pop her into the preschool class. Within a few days she was laughing and playing and no longer had a look of desperation on her face. Let's not mention how she has a cast on her arm from falling down the slide the week after she arrived. Or how it might have been a little blonde headed boy that accidentally did it. And if that might have happened, I'm sure that little boy cried a lot knowing he had hurt her. What a sad story that would be, so lets not even mention it!
Some of our 2nd-5th graders...
Some of our 4th-6th graders...
As you can see, we need desks! But without even saying anything, we had a kind donation come through from Katy High School that will cover the cost. Praise God! I love it when a need is provided from God simply seeing the need and we haven't even asked yet.
Speaking of needs being met. I'm not sure if you remember us talking about one young girl that came to visit Mattaw with her family a few years ago. She went back home and wanted to sponsor baby Georgie and make a difference in the lives of children in Africa. Aly, with the help of her mom, started making recycled paper bead jewelry. She has some beautiful creations on her website. Because of Aly's heart to help, we were able to buy all the new curriculum for the school. What a HUGE help from such a young girl. Check out this fabulous Mattaw bracelet....
You can go to their website and request this bracelet if you'd like to purchase one. Browse around, read her story and discover more of her lovely jewelry. All profits go to help orphans.
Thankful for all those who have partnered with us to care holistically for the Mattaw Children.
Thank you for remembering the least of these.
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