23 November 2011


(been trying to post this for a week, internet and power here is so unstable!)

We're wrapping up our last week in featuring children that are in need of sponsorship. If you are not already a sponsor of one of the Mattaw Children, we hope you would take the time to consider sponsoring one of these lives and being part of rescuing a child. Today I bring to you three different sets of sisters living at Mattaw.

First is Salma Pauline and Saida Rose. They are the biological children of our house two parents, Juilius and Christabelle. But when you ask the parents how many children they have, they are quick to respond "twelve". There's a few reasons why we also get sponsors for the biological children of our house parents. When moving to Mattaw, the children of the house parents live in the same room as the other children. Our prayer and encouragement to our house parents, is for them to bring in the other children and see them all the same, regardless if they are biological or not. So we treat them all the same. Our house parents have been amazing at not playing favorites and truly loving all of their children the same. We provide the same care for the house parent's biological children as we do the children that are rescued. I can only imagine how hard it must be at times to share your parent's love and attention with a house full of other children. At times it has been a hard transition on the house parent's biological children, but overall they look at the other children they live with as their own brothers and sisters. With the sponsorship program, we give sponsors the option of communicating with their child 3-4 times a year and also sending them gifts that fit in a shoe box. Our children adore their sponsors and all keep close track on who each others sponsors are. It would be unfair for the house parent's children not to have this opportunity to have friends from accross the world love them, write to them and pray for them just as all the other children have. Sometimes we get request of wanting "an actual orphan" to sponsor. That is totally ok. But once a child is rescued and placed in Mattaw, they are no longer orphan. They are all the same, biological or adopted. Please consider sponsoring one of these precious girls. They gave up their friends, neighborhood, and school to live at Mattaw. It was a sacrifice but there are so many blessings in return.

Rose and Pauline

Next is Sheila and Violet. You can read about their rescue at the bottom of THIS post by clicking HERE. We are still waiting to open house four and place them in a permanent family. For now, they are the only two extra in house one. But everyone is so thankful to have them rescued and safely in Mattaw. Our house one parents insisted on taking them in temporarily in order to ensure their safety. Our goal is to get full sponsorship on all our children living at Mattaw now so that we can open house four which means you could help make this happen by sponsoring one of these girls!

Violet and Sheila

Last is Nelima and Gracie. Gracie is actually fully sponsored but her sister Nelima still lacks a couple of sponsors. And guess who is their little brother? The infamous baby Georie. They also have an older brother, Juma. They all have the same biological mom. Gracie and George have the same father. Nelmia and Juma have different fathers. We tried to keep them with the father of Georigie and Gracie. About 6 months after the mother died, the father went back to alcoholism and abandoned the children. Nelima was shy and timid, Gracie rough and tough. Their personalities have bloomed living at Mattaw and what precious girls they are. They are now all home in house one at Mattaw.

Nelima and Gracie

Rescue a life. Redeem a soul. Release the Kingdom.


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