(first time to meet them)
Jose and Sophia. Brother and sister. Living in house two. We found out about them in 2007. You might not remember or even know about the post election violence in 2007. It's rarely brought up anymore. It was a bloodshed between tribes due to political unrest. Kitale was fairly peaceful but about 20 minutes outside, there were still killings happening. These two children were orphaned due to their mother being found out her tribe and loosing her life because of it.
They were left with their grandmother who tried for a year to care for them but we found the children becoming more malnourished. The grandmother struggled to care for herself and was a wanderer, going from one mud hut to another in search of food and shelter. There was no other family left to help her or the children. We stepped in at the right time and direction from God.
Jose was absolutely terrified of us when we first met them. He had never seen a white person before. He was incredibly timid and would shy away to a corner. When we brought him and Sophia into Mattaw, it took much time to convince him how loved they were and especially how safe they were. Christabell, our house two mom, was the first to greet them. I remember her telling them how happy she was to be their new mom and if they were ok with that. They both cracked a smile and instantly warmed up to her.
When meeting them today, you would never know the life they once lived. Jose is one of our biggest transformations in a child at Mattaw. Sophia is as sweet as can be and is very content with life. Both of these children are in need of sponsorship. Will you partner with us so that we can continue to provide great care, a good education and a loving home for them?

First picture taken of them at Mattaw


Rescue a life. Redeem a soul. Release the Kingdom.
Come partner with us to accomplish the vision of Mattaw Children's Village.
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