It was a busy week. I was about to go nutso not getting some good quality time in with the two most important (and adorable) children to me on the planet. This weekend I got plenty of it and all of our love tanks are full and overflowing.
This post will be mostly of our day in pictures. It was an absolute beautiful morning. So crazy what a drastic change the weather made around 2pm. And now tonight it'll be around 52 degrees with rain and thunderstorms. This is Africa? Well, I'm not quite sure about that!
So about the most adorable children on the planet....
Bud has had a bug the past couple of days. So instead of having family time in the afternoon, we had it in the morning while Bud rested. He was feeling better as the day went on so we were able to finally make it to a missionary home fellowship some families around here have every Sunday afternoon. But first I chased this princess around the yard...

I spent most of the morning in awe of our children and how much they have grown. I never want to take for granted each milestone I have with these littles....

Our poor dogs. They are great sports at letting the kids tackle them and pull on them. Malakia was hanging around the kids until this stunt was pulled...
She was singing to her baby in this picture....
Ready for a new week now. Also excited for a new ministry opportunity tomorrow. I've known about a widows group in the village Mattaw is in for a long time. Almost since we started Mattaw. It just has never worked out that I could go. And I just haven't felt led to get involved but have had them on my heart for a few years now. Just been praying for the right time and tomorrow it is. Their stories heartbreaking but their strength in the Lord is unbelievable. Feeling pretty intimidated to go and share with these women, them having so much more life experience, but I'm ever willing to speak whatever the Spirit leads. (my husband being supportive and happy for me to go, the only stipulation being that there is still meatball sub Monday. ha.)
How'd did I miss these, posts last week??? IThank for featuring these two!!!!!!
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