30 July 2011

Fruit and Flower Friday!

This weeks fruit is from when we were on the coast of Kenya a few weeks ago. The name for it here is shoki shoki but I was told it is similar to a litchi fruit. After doing a little bit of research I found it is also called rambuton and is similar to the lychee fruit. I let them ripen quite a bit before snapping a picture. They're little alien odd hairy covered fruits. The inside is juicy and sweet though. Not a lot of taste, but good. Claire liked 'em, Elisha was weirded out by them and just shoot them with his fake hand gun.

There are so many gorgeous flowers that I have no clue the name. In our yard on vacation, we had so many that I was tempted to uproot and take with us as a souvenir. (no worries, I didn't!)

One of Claire's newest words is "afa" which is her made up word for flower. Turns out, that is the word for dead in swahili. We'll be driving and she always spots flowers everywhere to which she yells "afa!" out the window. Hope no offense is taken....


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