This week one of our cows had her calf! I was a little bummed I missed it, but there's two more chances coming up with our other two preggo cows. So...
It's a boy!
Yesterday Claire and Elisha spent the day out at Mattaw. It had been awhile and every time I went out to Mattaw they were all asking for them to come out and play.
Georgie mostly chased Claire around, it was pretty cute.
1,2,3, team!
This picture was not staged. I turned the corner to see Bud speaking encouragement to Mercy and snapped a picture without them knowing. Made my heart melt!

Slowly we are getting the new school building finished. Today the construction crew made the floors. Since the school is on break, the floors should be finished when school starts back in a few weeks. We'll be doing our back to school fundraiser here in a bit. We need some desks, uniforms, and school supplies. Stay tuned for ways you can help pitch in at the school!
There's a group here from Canada called Soul Edge. There's Canadians and people from the UK in the group. They come through every year. At the end of their discipleship program they go to Africa. They usually come out a few times to Mattaw during the months they are in and out of Kitale, to help out with any projects we have going on. Last year they dug trenches and prepped for houses being built. This year they have helped paint house three and now working on finishing a chicken coop. We're so thankful to have their help! They always have a radical group of young men and women in love with the Lord. You can check 'em out at:
Today we had a group of five college age church leaders. They are from a local church within Kitale that our social worker goes to. We love it when Kenyans come to minister to our children. They came out to play games and love on the kids. Our school house turned into a rowdy, fun filled game house for the afternoon. They broke the kids into three teams: farasi (horse), mt. sinai (not sure about why that name!), and simba (lion). They had several small games where they competed and each game they earned points. At the end of the day they totaled the points to see who won. It was great seeing how resourceful they were with what they had.
They played basketball. This guy was the human goal.
And a game where they had to quickly move cups around one by one and see you had the most at the end of the time.
Then they would blindfold two kids from two different teams with their sweaters. They put a bunch of the kids shoes in the center including their own and then they were timed to see who could find both their shoes the fastest.
There were several other games that I didn't watch. They had such a wonderful afternoon though, we could tell from all the laughing and yelling with excitement.
Another week for our kids to enjoy their break and then back to school! I ended up having a school break for Elisha too. Seems it'll work easiest to keep him on their schedule. At least for now.
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