Hey everyone, its been a few days but here's a bit of an update. We've now got a bore hole! They were delayed a few days in starting but started Wednesday and finished up yesterday (Saturday). Tomorrow they sent for the water to be tested to see how clean it is and drinkable and then they'll cap it off and put a pump. We have to wait a few weeks for the generator and putting plumbing into house one. I think the children enjoyed watching them drill for water. I was able to make it out there Friday to see it and it was really neat to see how they do it. Here's the drilling truck....
Bud is almost finished with house two. There was so much he learned from house one. House two looks fantastic! I'm excited to get Nelly and Bryson moved in. Lucas, Mary's father, is still one of the workers for construction. They seem to be doing good. Tomorrow i'll be making a food delivery to them. He has had vicotry over his adiction to alcohol and is recovering from adiction from cigarettes. He came to Isaac and asked for prayer to help him not desire it anymore. Thats huge! Here is house two... Raha house... Joy house...
The windows and doors being put in on this day...
Today we had a little birthday party for Elisha. He turns ONE on Saturday!!! We're going to Nairobi on Wednesday and will attend The Call Saturday. So we had a little birthday party today. Most of our friends are out of town but it was still fun. We hope to have one for him when we get back to the states. The next post will be all about the party today. TONS of pictures. Well today I did it... I caved in and did it. I gave Elisha his first haircut! It was getting too shaby and driving me nuts. Bud was a little upset I didn't tell him I was doing it and he walked in and found to his surprise me chopin away. Some parts are a bit chopy but overall I think it turned out cute. It was SUPER hard to do though. I have every intention of going to a professional when we're back in the states. So here's a pic of the new hair do.
The picture below is Bud and I running into our compound. I've got the most rediculous smile but oh well. The picture is to say we're in the middle of training for a half marathon February 15th in Austin. It's called the Austin Rock n Roll marathon. I've discoved again how much I love to run. When I don't I can tell in my mood. It's been so great doing this together with Bud. He really pushes the heck outta me when we're on mile 4 and going up a hill. Its killer but glad to have him by my side. Next week is when we start on a strict schedule in training. Just in time since house two will be finished and Bud will have time in the morning.
Wednesday we leave for Nairobi and will be gone until Monday. Jim Farmer, from Christian Church of San Angelo, will fly into Nairobi tomorrow night. We're very excited to see him and spend some time with him. He is like one of our spiritual fathers and it'll be refreshing to see someone from home. He is also bringing us our new screen for our laptop and some pacifiers for Elisha. Not sure which one is more valuable to me! We're down to one paci now so if this one is lost it might be more valuable than a screen. More to come... love yall... and leave a comment! Right under this post is words that say "comment", push it and then you can leave a comment!
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