I wrote up a quick update on the Mattaw website... go check it out... mattawchildren.com. But I missed posting a few pics from this week that I meant to.
So I was going through my phone and found a picture of our newest babies, the twins, Moses and Emmanuel. They are three years old. This picture was from May of this year.
Shocking how desperate they were. Guess you don't fully realize it until you see them in their restoration process, as happy healthy little boys. This picture was taken a few days ago. They were hanging out having a good ol time, laughing while sitting on the potty.
Praise Jesus. He is good. And continues to lead us to the ones forgotten, broken, on the verge of death. Those not knowing love. True love. The love Jesus gives with no limits. Freely give what we freely have recieved!
And this little one.... Oh my heart. She is growing and talking more and more everyday. Blessing...
And I've briefly mentioned our new friend Christy. She came here for other reasons but the Lord drew her to Mattaw several months ago. She has started to help us more in different areas as Jesus leads. Thrilled to have her part of the family. It's one of those connections that only Jesus can do and unite hearts for the vision of Mattaw. She originally was just coming to fellowship with us on Sundays and then joined in on the Garden school of ministry with our leadership. But as we keep following Jesus, He has shown us both more ways she is to be involved. Love you Christy!
Love you all.
Wow Kimbali:
Those 2 photos - just 4 months apart. Hallelujah - tells quite a story !
And that's what LOVE can do!!
Those smiles are priceless. A testimony that speaks volumes.
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