So, I posted on here a post all about father's day.... then an hour later found out it wasn't father's day yet! Ha. I can hardly remember what day it is here let alone remember when holidays are. As someone said, at least it was early! Now I have a few weeks to get stuff to make chocolate chip pancakes. :-)
The last two days have been full and fun with the team here. Saturday I had planned to go out with the kids but that just didn't happen. It all makes sense now why I didn't see a whole lot of my youth ministers wife and kids growing up. Actually a lot of things are now making sense of why people did things they did that have kids, now that I have kids! But that's a whole other story.
Saturday they had brought a bunch of croc shoes for our children and passed them out. They had done a croc drive at their church. We are so so grateful for those that gave! Then they started their vbs that they brought. The theme: fiesta! Haha. We had no idea they'd be bringing a Mexican themed vbs for our kids. It's a hit!
Yesterday we went out and the team taught sunday school. Then the youth minister that is the leader of the Pampa team, taught during the main time.
Julius, our house two dad, translated the entire time. Here is the team introducing themselves...
Then we loaded up and headed to the coffee shop in town for lunch.
After lunch the team changed and we all headed back out to Mattaw. They played with the children...
Then they had VBS with the children. They had puppets! They laughed and laughed at these. (while Elisha hid outside from them)

Then I left before I could see them make these flowers out of tissue...

Today the guys will go out and work on construction with Bud and Austin. And the girls will go to town with me to get shopping done, then the girls on the team will go get measured for African skirts.
Beautiful blog! Thank you so much for sharing the pictures and update of our team. We are so proud of them and thankful for your ongoing work there.
Blossom Matthews
Pastor, First United Methodist Church of Pampa, TX
Sounds like Pampa folks are being blessed and being a blessing to Mattaw. A good time for you guys to enjoy. Thank you Lord for times of refreshing.
Big Thanks for the update! Praying for the team from FUMC Pampa and for folks at Mattaw!
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