So these women are like the cutest ladies ever. I hope you gathered that in the short amount of time in this video :). Seriously yall! They have joy that burst through their faces so much that they do not have to talk to tell us how much the joy of the Lord is their strength. You can see it on their face. But then when we sit with them. Which every other week they rotate around the village to a different home to meet in. This too is amazing because some will walk around 10 miles... and they're like 80 years old! Like I was saying, when we sit with them... and you actually take the time to listen. And about that. The listening. Let me just interject here about that. I have had to learn over and over again how listening and really caring is such a huge part of Jesus' heart. The scripture that talks of us partaking in Christ's sufferings... I definitely believe that one part of his sufferings is sitting with the poorest of the poor, those hurting and broken, and really listening and really caring. That is one obvious way of what love looks like.... sitting... listening... caring. Like you reading this and hearing these women's stories, is partaking of Jesus' heart and His sufferings. We have to slow down and listen. Really hear the heart of people and hear what Holy Spirit is saying where they're hurting or need encouragement.
So a few weeks ago was the last time I went and met with these precious mamas before coming back to Texas. Oh how they just went on and on about how we shouldn't leave. Once I explained that my mom and Bud's mom needed to see their grandparents, then they were finally ok with it :). That part hit home with them since all of them are grandmamas. We all just love each other so much and being away for the next two months aches my heart! I could sit and drink chai and listen to them worship Jesus all day. It's heaven on earth.
Ok now back to the testimony I keep trying to get to. I go in knowing there's a word to give them so I share but recognize its all super great rich scriptures I'm sharing that they are receiving but it wasn't getting to their heart and what they deeply needed that day. So we take some time to pray. I get a word of knowledge that many have aching backs and shoulders. Sure enough most of them do and sure enough it's because of the stresses they carry. The Spirit was so faithful to show this. I share with them the most simple scripture "cast all our burden's on Him because He cares". Reminding them of promises they've already known but it needed to be revelation to their heart that day. I share how the world tells us that stress and worry is just part of life. That the lie the world tells us is "if you aren't worried and stress then you don't care about your problems you are facing". And how "if you worry and stress, it will help make something happen". All lies. A bunch of silly lies that becomes our reality. They laughed sharing that one of the few words they know in english is "stress" because it is such a common subject. So I had spent all this time in the beginning teaching on so much that was all good, but once we prayed and Holy Spirit gave a simple and applicable word to their direct need (also known as Him giving us the words to prophecy into their lives) that is where the life came. That is when the scripture became alive and active and not just words on a page.
Here's what I learned. Again. Less words spoken and more power from Holy Spirit given is sometimes whats needed most. We must walk by the Spirit not by the flesh. I could have made this elegant four point teaching lesson (not on my own because elegant bible study makin is not a gift of mine) and they walk away thinking oh what a nice little time of fellowship we just had. Or the very Spirit of God can give a quick and simple word of knowledge to get to the hearts and impact lives so powerfully. (Isaiah 11:2, 1 Corinthians 12:8) He is alive on this earth and moving in the hearts of people who will just listen. And just act according to what they hear. I could sit here and keep writing and writing and writing all the testimonies that these mamas shared that day. One after another shared of how God directly met their needs whether it was physical healing, provision or restoration in their family. One came in not breathing well and when we laid hands on her and prayed for Jesus to remove it, it lifted off and she just praised and worshiped Jesus out of deep gratitude. God so loves the mamas too!
Once we prayed and all handed over their burdens to the Lord and renounced all stress and worry, then more healing came. Almost every person that came in hurting, left feeling peace and no more aching in their backs. ALL glory to God. Did I mention He is faithful?! I just love Him even more seeing His love meet widows in a little village in their greatest time of need. His love never fails. (1 Corinthians 13:8)
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