I've been a little out of touch on updates. We now have 7 children in our home! OK, so technically one is an adult now (19yrs old) and two are teenagers, but none the less, we are a big family. Which I am so enjoying. But it means we're a taaaad more busy :-).

About a month or so before going back to Texas for a visit, we rescued Sharon and Phillip, who I recently wrote about. They were temporarily at a street kid rehabilitation center. This place is good for what they do which is get kids off the street, rehabilitated and back to their original homes. We have a huge heart for street kids but our mission is mainly to rescue orphaned, abandoned and completely destitute children. The two are quite different. And this street kid place is not a good permanent place for them. It's not a home. Every child deserves a home.
So when we rescued Sharon and Phillip, we met several children needing homes. Two of them were Josephine and Rosie. Josephine is 12 and Rosie is 3. They are sisters. Come to find out they also had a sister born in between them but she died. Their mother died in the hospital and had no extended family to go to. So they were abandoned in the hospital until placed at this rehabilitation center. When first meeting Rosie, she was in rags with no shoes, a snotty nose and bloated belly. But when she smiled, it lit up the room. My heart was won over very quickly with her beautiful smile and super shy but quirky personality. Josephine was similar, with a huge beautiful smile. She is tall and very thin. They were strongly on my heart while we were in the states. When we came back I just kept wondering when we'd be able to go get them. We wanted to settle in a bit and not overwhelm Claire and Elisha. As soon as it felt like the right time, I was there. Last week we went with our social worker to visit the girls and see what other children were needing placement. It was heart wrenching to hear many children's stories filled with destruction, abuse, and brokenness. The urgency to see love and justice show up rose up within me.
I couldn't leave without the girls and our social worker along with their staff felt it was great timing. So I picked them up under my arm and ran out as quickly as possible. No, not really, but the football liking side of me pictured myself doing that a few times. Actually there were about 10 others hanging off of me that would come too. We'll get them soon.
I'm thankful for a husband that was happy to receive them in our home temporarily. He was quickly won over too.
It's always a joy to see their fun personalities come out within days of staying with us. Going from being shy and timid to laughing and full of joy. They are really precious girls. Rosie has shown us what a hard headed little girl she can be. But with Jesus, he gives us grace and guidance needed with her (a pretty cool story on that I'll share later). Josephine and Rosie have been able to bond as sisters better. They are now going to school at Mattaw everyday and like it out there.
We are still trying to open house four by next week but might have to delay a week. Wanting to ensure all is in place and ready for a house full!
Until then, we just keep lovin on these precious girls, showing them what family looks like. Elisha and Claire have welcomed them in with arms wide open. We have the occasional tiffs between Rosie, Elisha and Claire over toys. Normal kid stuff to work through. And teaching them how to use an actual toilet has been, um, interesting. Overall though, it's been a sweet time.

Rosie is almost four but not much bigger than Claire, who will be two in a few weeks.
And she is finding new friends at Mattaw. Some pictures just don't need explaining :-)
What a blessing you guys are to these kids! I love the pictures.
Lovely girls they are...
What precious children. I just praise the Lord for your heart for the Lord and to rescue the orphaned!
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