There is so much to update on. I'm really not sure where to start.
We said goodbyes, hugged many necks and left Texas this past weekend. It does not get easier saying goodbye. Although my heart was content with it, it's still hard to be so far from family.
I look into the eyes of Love and keep saying yes though. In His presence, saying yes to hard things becomes joyful... and worth it.
Elisha on the other hand had a great time in Texas but did not even flinch at the idea of coming back "home". He loves his grandparents but wasn't sad one bit to leave them. The whole process of watching him reach an age where he now understands where home is and love his home has been great for us to see. It's one of those parenting moments where you see the hand of Jesus at work in your child's life.
We still love Texas.
But happy to be home in Kenya.
(Bud snapped this picture at the guesthouse in Nairobi, I though it was pretty cute!)
The flights went really well. I am thankful for such troopers when it comes to crazy long waits in airports and long plane rides. We had our low moments but overall I have to say my kids are rock stars at traveling and overcoming jet lag. We were going to stay in Nairobi longer but we were all too antsy to get back home.
Bud surprised me with our boys coming to Nairobi to pick us from the airport. I can't even express the joy it was to walk out of the airport to find Caleb, Ian and Daniel there. Our family is back together.
Elisha barged in our doors with excitement. Claire was a bit reserved and wouldn't let me put her down the first hour or so. Once Violet came this morning, she was 100% back to knowing she is home.
This morning we rushed to get out to Mattaw Children's Village to see all of our children. We all loaded the car with excitement to go love on our kiddos. We hit the ground and had our children surrounding us non stop. What a joy to see their beautiful healthy faces. They look more beautiful today than ever.

We couldn't go empty handed so we brought out some juice and cookies. The simple things that brings more joy to the day.
One of our new cows bought since we left
Our kids happily volunteered to help wash clothes while the Mattaw kids went back to school. I hope they keep this great attitude up! Oh and Claire was already was running around in her diaper. The weather is perfect! We are enjoying it a ton. It's nice and blazing hot in the day and cools off in the morning and evenings. We're about to catch a pool day with friends.
Daniel and Ian playing checkers out at Mattaw today. Ian has grown about four inches since left! We seriously have to get a basketball court built soon and get him practicing! Daniel is doing amazing. We've enjoyed settling back into our home with them. They keep us laughing often.
There's so much more I could share but I'll break it down and share over the next several days. I will share this news though. We received a call from the children's department asking us to rescue a little girl around 7 years old. Her dad went crazy, murdered the mom and cut her into many pieces. Then he ended up in the hospital/prison and died. This little girl is left with no family. My heart ached when hearing this and of course I was ready to jump in the car and get her now. She is temporarily in a safe place though so we will go pick her up when we open the doors to house four on Valentines day! I'm thrilled that we have the opportunity to give this little girl a new family with a bright future and hope that only Jesus can give. I can't wait to share more with you on how much transformation has taken place in the children we've rescued at Mattaw and also those we will bring through the gates in a few weeks.
Kimberly! I am so glad that you guys could be in the states while we were in Kenya, eventhough we did miss you! I'm also excited that your family can be back in Kitale, and that your kids are transitioning well!! I hope to be back in Kenya within the next few years. I need to tell you that when I read the saying "we were sent love the one in front of us" I took it to heart. I love that saying! I am looking forward to reading more about the kids who come into Mattaw!
thanks Stacy! for sure, we missed being here while y'all were. looking forward to when you come back! (the saying "love the one in front of you" is from a missionary Heidi Baker)
Love the "hook 'em" picture.We enjoyed every moment we had with you but still happy to see you back where you flourish.
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