Time to do a little catch up.
We had a full blown American Thanksgiving at our house. This was the fourth year to do something similar to this. It was loads of fun!
I brined the big bird 24 hours in advance and woke up the morning of Thanksgiving at 4 am to stick it in the oven. The night before I was up makin some yummy pies. Can't have Thanksgiving without pies! Most of my scheduling was influened by Pioneer Woman. (www.thepioneerwoman.com) Everything turned out as I hoped! (minus the cheesy biscuits but I mainly waned them to stick the name tags into, and they served their purpose... i thought i had learned my leason not to try new recipes when hosting large groups... oh well!)
Claire helped me some...
Ben, Ian, Daniel and Caleb
Sean, Elisha, and Bud... oh and Lindsay and Terri who crashed on the ground
Sandy and Caleb. They had to bounce ping pongs back and forth to get it in a bucket at the end
Claire with her Auntie Meri
Sean and Daniel
(Bud, Claire and Jordan in the back)

While I spent the morning cooking, Bud took the kids and our four boys to town to get supplies for all the games and prizes. The prizes they picked were pretty humourous. Last place got a snoopy bobble head, second to last got a bottle opener with Jesus' face on it. Second place got a 3D bird placemat. And first place.....

A few days after Thanksgiving, I got out and spent the morning with Elisha and Claire in our yard. Sunny days should be everyday this time of year but they're few and far between at times. So anytime its a beautiful day, we're sure to take advantage of it!
And I'm still quite in love with taking pictures of my sunshines...
Hello Huffmans... This is Brian Ricketts (Lisa's husband!) from back home... I would imagine you guys are coming back for at least some duration pretty soon, and Lisa and I have talked about getting together with y'all when you're here... The Lord is tremendously stirring our hearts and we have a ton of questions for you guys... Hope my message finds you okay... My email address is bricketts@pga.com... Talk to you soon
You know my bucket list includes enjoying Thanksgiving in Kitale. What a fun day. Glad your feast was a success, I think there's really no doubt when you are in the kitchen. Happy Birthday Elisha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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