21 October 2011

Flower Friday!

No fruit today, just some pretty flowers growing outside our guesthouse on our compound.....

I haven't had much to update on this week because we've been completely consumed in solving one of the toughest situations I've faced here. Heart wrenching. But we waited and kept trusting in the Lord, not taking even one step without knowing it was His wisdom and guidance. Oh I am so thankful for him leading us, bringing truth to light, and destroying the works of the devil. In a completely hopeless situation, Jesus came through and turned it for good when I couldn't imagine how. If you are in a tough place, just hold on and know you are standing from a place of victory already won. It's not your battle. Claim his promises and stand in HIS hope. Jesus truly never fails. His mercy is new everyday. The enemy wants to kill, steal and destroy but Jesus wants us to have life, and not only life but life abundantly! I went on biblegateway.com and typed in "hope" this morning to see what scriptures came up. I was completely renewed in His strength by reading over them all. May we all be slammed in our hearts by his crazy love and hope that sometimes is the only thing that makes sense in this world! Love y'all and thankful for the prayers that are so answered for us on this journey we walk out daily.


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