Here's from our time in Houston. One of the days we went to the Zoo with my sister in law and all their boys. My brother had to work... bummer. But it was still super fun. Elisha is at his best, happiest, moments while we've been back in the states, when he is outside and able to run freely. Here's the ironic part. And maybe this is where I got super homesick. Silly I know. But they just opened up a new part of the zoo. Guess what continent is the theme? Yep, AFRICA. And it just so happened that a lot of things were in Swahili.
Family in front of home (plus Pierce)
Enough boys to make a band
Elisha showing his cousins what type of house he lives in in Africa.
That was a HUGE joke.
I better not laugh too hard. We could go back to the bush one day!
And here's my lovely sis-in-law. She does exist! She is hardly ever in pictures. And her boys are nearly impossible to get to all smile at the same time. But they are all SUCH cute kids.
Claire and Jett.
The largest and nastiest lizard ever. Eli was intrigued.
At my parents house
We didn't have turkey... we had STEAK. And not just any steak, my DADS steak. Yes, we are TEXAN!
Did I mention it's nearly impossible to get a picture with all the boys together and all smiling?
Claire and Jett.
Look! Who's that? Oh yeah, the mama's that are hardly in photos. But wait, where are the dads? I'm assuming watching football??? :-) (actually I think at this particular moment they were actually putting batteries in toys while the mamas helped open the presents and keep the kids happy and organized)
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