
07 April 2012


Here's my update for the day in Instagram photos.
The first photo is Elisha in front of some fruit at Delamere farm. We stop at this place when traveling to Kitale from Nairobi. Fresh fruit and veggies. And a bonus was to find fresh basil and mint! After the bananas I tried to eat last week in the U.S., I'm thankful for the goodies we got today!
The next picture is veggies. Was pumped to get mushrooms and asparagus, a rare find in this country.
Picture three is the tourist shop on the side of the road we stopped for a potty break. It's in front of Mt Logonot, an inactive volcano. I really wanted to buy bunnies from these sweet boys for $2 each. It could have gotten messy on the way home though. We're going to look for some around Kitale instead.
And the last pic is the best. This morning we ate at Java House before road tripin. Next to it was a beautiful flower shop where my husband took Claire to go buy some pink gerber daisies for me. I love my man!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you had a great trip home and enjoyed a blessed Easter Sunday. I'm nostalgic for Kenya already. I don't think others will understand how it claims a bit of your heart unless they are blessed to walk among it's people.
